Meeting documents

  • Meeting of Annual Council, Council, Tuesday, 24th May, 2016 6.30 pm (Item 113.)

(i)      To elect the Chairman of the Council for the year 2016/2017.

(ii)     The Chairman of the Council to invite nominations for the election of Chairman for 2016/2017.

(iii)    Councillor Ms K Wood, seconded by Councillor Mrs L M Clarke (OBE), to propose that Councillor Mahboob Hussain (JP) be elected Chairman of the Council for 2016/2017.

(iv)    The Chairman of the Council to ask if there are any other nominations.

(v)     The Chairman of the Council to put the nomination(s) to the meeting.

(vi)    The Chairman of the Council to declare Councillor Mahboob Hussain (JP) duly elected.

(vii)   Councillor Mahboob Hussain (JP) to accept office and make the necessary declaration and to be presented with the Chairman’s Chain.

(viii) Mrs Hussain to be presented with the Chairman’s Consort’s badge and a bouquet.

(ix)    The incoming Chairman of the Council to address the Council.

(x)     Vote of thanks to the retiring Chairman, Councillor I L McEnnis to be proposed by Councillor Mrs J E Teesdale and seconded by Councillor Ms K Wood.

(xi)    Councillor I L McEnnis to respond.

(xii)   The Chairman of the Council to present to Councillor I L McEnnis a past Chairman’s badge, and to Mrs McEnnis a bouquet.


It was proposed by Councillor Ms K S Wood that Councillor M Hussain (JP) be elected as chairman of the Council for the 2016/17 Municipal Year.


The proposer gave a brief history of Councillor Hussain`s background, stating that he had been a Member of this Council since 1999, and had held positions on many different committees as well as a Cabinet portfolio. The Leader went on to praise the huge amount of charity and voluntary work with which he was involved and stated that with his vast level of experience the Council would be in safe hands, and that she looked forward to the forthcoming year with him at the helm.


The proposal was seconded by Councillor Mrs L Clarke OBE who highlighted that the role of Chairman was not an easy role to fill, sometimes proving to be onerous. She stated that she looked forward to working with him and was very happy to be seconding the nomination.


There being no other nominations, and upon being put to a vote it was:


RESOLVED: That Councillor M Hussain (JP) be elected as chairman for the Municipal Year 2016/17.


Councillor Hussain thereupon accepted office, made the necessary declaration and was presented with the Chairman`s Chain, and Mrs Hussain was presented with the Chairman`s consort badge and a bouquet.


Councillor M Hussain (JP) in the Chair


The Chairman addressed the meeting and took the opportunity to express his sincere gratitude to both the proposer and seconder for their kind words. He went on to emphasise what a fantastic Chairman Cllr I McEnnis had proven to be over the last year whilst providing him with an invaluable source of help, advice and guidance during his year as Vice-Chairman. He also pointed out that Members worked hard within their wards, but that this was only possible due to the trusted advice received from officers of the Council.


The Chairman then gave a brief mention to the theme for the ensuing year, which would be "celebrating the volunteers of the town". He emphasised the importance of the voluntary sector, and that it was an area of work which was personally very dear to his heart.  He urged Members to donate some extra time to the cause, and also mentioned that during official volunteer week, from 1 June, the Chairman`s office would be open to all volunteers to come along and share their experiences. In addition, he encouraged each Councillor to nominate a person from their respective wards to receive some recognition for the invaluable work carried out in the community. All entries were to be submitted by 15 July 2016. The Chairman also mentioned the "unforgotten heroes" whereby anyone who had donated over 4000 hours of voluntary work would be entitled to receive a special gift.


Councillor Collingwood proposed a vote of thanks to the outgoing Chairman, who had served as Chairman on 3 separate occasions, praising the service he had provided in so many different arenas, and who together with his wife Sarah had served the whole District so well. The seconder, Cllr Ms K Wood concurred with the proposer, stating that the outgoing Chairman had indeed been a fantastic ambassador for this Council, and had shown a great passion for the District in all his engagements. She also wished to thank Sarah McEnnis, who had been by his side proving to have been a fantastic couple for this District.


In responding, Councillor I McEnnis expressed his humble thanks, stating it had been a wonderful year, and proceeded to share some of his personal highlights. He gave mention to some of his favourite, including being amongst some of the first of a group of people to enter into the new Leisure Centre. On 2 March he had been present at the official visit of the Duke of Kent on the opening of the Leisure Centre. On 16 May, he had been in the presence of Princess Anne on her visit to the "Hearing Dogs for Deaf People" at Saunderton. He concluded by expressing his thanks to the team of officers for their help and advice during his term in office, and to the Leader and Members for their ongoing support. He also thanked his wife and consort, and the incoming Chairman, wishing him the very best for the year ahead. He stated that it had been an honour and privilege to serve as Chairman.


The Chairman of the Council thereupon presented to Councillor McEnnis a past Chairman`s badge and to Mrs McEnnis a bouquet.